I don't believe there's one correct definition for success; it depends on the person and the given situation. To me personally, success as what you've accomplished in life, no matter how big, small or challenging it may be. If you set a goal and achieve it, then you're successful. I'm somewhat of a competitive person, but to me this is a good thing because it motivates me to always do my best. This applies mostly in sports and academics. Even though I'm not a valedictorian or got 5's on every AP test, I'm still successful in school because I do the best that I can do. The same thing goes for tennis. I'm not a state champ but I always give 100% and work hard to be better. No matter what your skill level is, always trying hard and giving 100% is success.
"In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure." -Bill Cosby
Success is reached by hard work, determination and motivation. Someone who tries their hardest to achieve their goal but doesn't accomplish it is not necessarily considered a failure, but it could be. Failure usually results from not giving any effort or caring about what you're doing, but if someone doesn't care or try to do well, then is it really failing? Some may consider this as just someone who's unmotivated or lazy, but others may view this as failure. I personally think failure is when you don't perform as well as you wanted to or don't reach your set goal. I think this quote from Michael Jordan describes my view on failure too, "I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can't accept not trying." One thing I could consider both a success and a failure was the first time I took the ACT. I studied and tried my hardest, which could count as a success, but at the same time I didn't reach my desired result, which also counts as a failure.
Previous successes gives me the motivation I need to continue to strive for the best. Being competitive about my goals also pushes me to do my best and reach success. I think failure influences ,me more than successes because failing at something only makes me want to try again until I reach success.
I've been successful in my genius hour so far because I've learned a lot and have tried a lot of new things with my anticipated results. I can improve by trying out more challenging recipes and cooking more often. I will know if I have succeeded or failed by reviewing all of my results. If I tried a new recipe and it actually turns out how it is supposed to, then it's a success.
I like how you view success -- that no matter where your skill level is, giving your all is a measure of success. I'm glad you're learning and trying new things with your project here!